Welcome to my website. It is a site
about me and my interests.
I am British and an engineer educated
in the UK who currently is living in the Bay Area, California on the Pacific
coast of the USA. My CV or 'resume' can be downloaded in my biography
My interests are mainly in the active
sports of life. In my hobbies section you will find links to aviation, diving,
skiing and many of my other activities.
Hobbies usually lead to fun times and
if you check out my 'fun times' link you will get to see photos covering many of
these activities.
Interested in a British lesson?
The Union Flag
Kristense; is my much better half.
Occasionally she allows me to wear the pants in this relationship, but in all
honesty she is probably much better at it.
She recently left working for Intel
but is now made that transition to the Mac, now she works for Apple
in Folsom, California, but is This is a 2 hour drive away from the Bay Area (5
on a Friday!) or a 30 min flight if I fly.
Check out her site using the link on the right.
Blah Blah Blah
Send me an email to:
webmail at the-brit dot com
Two little anti-spam features, you need to both type the email
address into your mail program and add the subject 'nonespam' as the subject
matter, else all mail to this address is automatically deleted.

Cessna 414, this aircraft is a very nice
machine, owned and very well maintained by Flybuff Aviation. Here can be seen
pre-flight checks prior to a quick tour of the bay area coast line. More photos
of this trip can be seen in the 'Fun Times'